Friday, July 28, 2006

Oran's Second Week Home

Oran did lots more exploring in his second week. He had his first ride on the subway- and slept through it. He also walked a large loop through Prospect Park. We are grateful to the big trees because it was about 93 degrees out. Again, Oran took the walk sleeping...while Grannie Kip pushed him.

We went in to the doctor's on Wednesday so that Oran could be weighed. He is still a tiny guy holding on at 6 pounds, but starting to gain steadily. Like most newborns he lost weight for the first days of his life...and it has taken a little longer for him to start gaining as my milk was slow to come in thanks to the c-section...

Oran seems to know that his chief responsibility is eating...he tends to cluster feed from about 4 in the afternoon until 8pm...and he seems to be growing in length if not in pounds, his big feet escape every blanket and swaddle we make for him.

Nighttimes started out very challenging at the beginning of the week, with Oran perking up around 10pm and not being willing to sleep until after 2am...By mid week though he started to give us a break and started sleeping between feedings.

This will be Grannie's last week in New York. We are sad to say goodbye to her on Saturday. Oran doesn't know what he will do without hearing "oodles of poodles eat noodles" to distract him from his baby woes! He will get to see her again in November to celebrate her 60th!

This Monday Grandmama Lucy will be coming to stay with us from Augusta. And later in the week Katie and Skipper will be joining us from Atlanta.


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