Sunday, August 06, 2006

Oran's Third Week Home

We were all very sad to say goodbye to Grannie Kip this week. It was very special to have her in Brooklyn for Oran's first two weeks home. And, Grannie Kip needed to get back to the northwest for the immanent arrival of her second grandson Will- due August 19th.

We were very excited to be joined by Grandmama Lucy at the beginning of the week. Grandmama was a great help all week- helping get me and Oran into the city to the doctors- helping me and Jason get some much needed sleep as well- And, withstanding this heat wave with us!

It is very moving to see Oran bond with his grandparents...

Oran was weighed in at the doctors on Wednesday, Aug. 2nd. I had been worried about the amount of weight he had lost postpartum and the speed at which he was gaining it back...It was huge relief that he was up to 6 pounds, 8 ounces (just 3 ounces shy of his birth weight)- and up 8 ounces from his last weigh in, gaining at least 1 ounce a day...

This week Oran has continued to delight us. After nursing his mouth often curves up into a smile. He still loves to kick his legs, lift his head, and arch his back. By the middle of the week he started to be awake a lot more- and his wide open eyes could track Grandmama's fingers back and forth as well as a bright rattle.

At the end of the week we were joined by Grandpa Phil and Katie and Skipper. We had a great time, going out to dinner, enjoying time at the house together, and we even had a chance to go to a movie- Katie strolled Oran outside the BAM movie theater while Skipper, Jason and I watched Scoop, Woody Allen's latest...Thanks so much, Aunt Katie!


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